Gross National Happiness

DISCUSSING BHUTAN Bhutan’s development philosophy is based on Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than GDP. The concept was introduced in 1972 by King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, and the Constitution of Bhutan (2008, Article 9) directs the state to promote conditions that enable the pursuit of GNH. GNH has been a guiding principle in Bhutanese minds […]

Flora & Fauna

DISCUSSING BHUTAN FLORA Bhutan, identified as the “land of medicinal herbs” and the “botanists’ paradise,” boasts a forest cover of more than 72.5% in three climate zones: subtropical, temperate, and alpine. There are 369 orchid species in the country, including the nation’s flower, the blue poppy, 46 types of rhododendrons, and 300 medicinal plants. With […]


DISCUSSING BHUTAN Bhutan was founded by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in the 17th century and unified under his rule. After his death, the government was led by Druk Desi and Je Khenpo. In 1907, the Wangchuk dynasty began, with King Ugyen Wangchuk as the first hereditary ruler. Druk Gyalpo, the thunder dragon king, signed the Anglo-Bhutanese […]

Bhutanese Cuisine

DISCUSSING BHUTAN Bhutanese cuisine, originating from neighboring countries like Tibet, China, and Thailand, uses stir-frying, stewing, and steaming methods similar to Chinese. The country’s food is mainly fat-based, helping with its high altitude. People typically have three meals a day, consisting of local red rice and “Ema Dashi,” a vegetarian dish with cheese sauce and […]

Architecture, Arts & Crafts

DISCUSSING BHUTAN Bhutanese architecture, introduced by Great Lama Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel in the 17th century, consists of fortresses and serves as religious and administrative centers. It can be classified into traditional, fortress, religious architecture, and bridges. Bhutanese traditional architecture is still prevalent, using materials like timber, stone, clay, and bricks for three-story houses. The architecture […]

Culture & Tradition

DISCUSSING BHUTAN Bhutan, one of the world’s oldest cultures, is dedicated to preserving its traditions and culture to defend national sovereignty. The country maintains a balance between modernization and preservation, focusing on etiquette and manners. “Driglam Namza”, a term for custom and culture preservation, emphasizes etiquette and manners, such as dress, speech, and eating. Horoscopes […]

Introducing Bhutan

DISCUSSING BHUTAN Bhutan is nestled in the Himalayas between two large nations, China and India. Bhutan is somewhat larger than Switzerland. The mysterious Himalayan monarchy, known as “Druk Yul,” is a spiritual land with a rich Buddhist and cultural heritage, with verdant valleys, dense woodlands, rolling hills, and towering crags. Bhutanese people are friendly, welcoming, […]